welcome to our practice
"After my emergency quadruple bypass operation at 46, I was left with feelings of shock, fear and anxiety, of whether I would ever be able to regain any of my former physical ability. Even though I was given some guidelines by the doctor and physiotheripist, I had a constant fear of over or under exerting myself.
I was given the name of Blaaw & Partners Biokinetics, by the Cardiac Support Group, while in hospital, and I decided to join their rehabilitation program.
Through the next 4 months, I went from unsure, unfit and depressed, to confident, fit and happy. The environment in which I exercised, was supportive and uplifting both physically and emotionally.
The management and staff are highly professional and knowledgable. You get personal care at all times, while also seeing others with similar medical experiences, progress alongside you.
You are given personal goals, and your progress towards them are constantly and carefully monitored. This gives you confidence that you can safely regain your physical strength, which leaves you sure of where you stand physically after your operation and changes your emotional state from depressed to happy again.
It was the single most important aspect of my recovery after the lifesaving bypass operation, and I feel it is essential for any heart bypass patient.
Paul Pienaar
Neues Knie
Vor 4 Montagen habe ich in der Vergelegen Klinik ein neues Knie erhalten. Danach startete ich mit der REHA (Biokinetic) bei Prof. J.H. Blaauw und Partner. Zu erst leichte Ubungen und Wassergymnastik. Es folgten 2 x die Woche Dehnungs- und Aufbau-uebungen der Muskeln.
3 Monate nach der OP war ich in der Lage schmerzfrei zu golfen.
Herzlichen Dank an Prof. Blaauw und Partner und sein Team
Julie Goettsch
In Desember 1996 het ek ‘n noodoperasie ondergaan. Tydens die operasie het ek ‘n anterior spinale arterie trombose ontwikkel. Die gevolg was ‘n gedeeltelike verlamming van my onderlyf en veral my mobiliteit is nadelig beinvloed.
Prof. Bokkie Blaauw, afgetrede Professor en Praktiserende Biokinetikus op Somerset-Wes, het verneem van my probleem en my besoek. Sy woorde an my was “ Koos ek wil jou graag help.”
Ek was veral beindruk met die baie professionele en wetenskaplike wyse waarop hy en sy eggenote, Becky Blaauw (‘n vennoot in die praktyk), te werk gegaan het met die asessering van my toestand en die beplanning van ‘n toepaslike oefenprogram. Dit het bestaan uit spierversterkende en strekoefeninge asook water terapie waarby hulle persoonlik betrokke was.
Hul wetenskaplike oefenprogram en toesig het my 6 maande later in staat gestel om weer my motor te kon bestuur. Dit het my ook geestelik versterk.
Ek is hulle baie dank verskuldig.
Koos Ludick
I was referred to Blaauw and partners by a friend at a time when I had a dream and a problem but no workable plan. I was met by a team of people with passion, skill and allot of knowledge. The unique plan that was devised for my specific needs was executed with so much care and concern. I did not for one moment feel that I could not trust their judgement. I can, with total confidence, recommend this highly professional team. You will not find a practise with more heart and dedication.
Antoinette Erasmus
With this letter , i am back at my favourite recovery place”, like your logo says”, life through movement“ ,you helped me so many times in 7 years with , everytime “ getting back” on my feet “ again. After 4 hip operations, big invasive sist removal at back of my knee and now at the moment , difficult invasive foot and leg operation ,with three months recovery time, i am back first in the swimming pool with “one on one “ sessions” “ by Becky Blaauw.
This practise and all their friendly biokinetic staff and receptionist , really make such a big difference in my life and so many people i see daily, going in and out of the practise.
The heated swimming is the nicest excercise you can start after a muscle injury or any operation.
Thank you so much for helping me everytime and if i am better in between operations or setbacks in my “rare neuron brakedown“ disease, i do aqua classes , with the most energetic biokinetic lady you can get, beautifull , Chanelle and not one class attended is a boring class, it’s a soul experience and a absolute highlight!
In the beginning of your rehabilitation slowly on apparatus and other helping equipment in their practise area, you always feel so helpless, and almost unbelieving that you will recover, but i want to thank every single one involved in my “ recoveries” you are great!
Joretha jelbert